You need to protect yourself when using a public or rental computer. A public computer can be a great resource when you need some quick info and a laptop rental is not uncommon, such as when a business needs equipment for a specific project. But unfamiliar equipment is at higher risk for viruses, malware and spyware. Here are some security tips for protecting yourself when using a public PC or laptop rental.
When you rent a PC or use a computer in public, ask yourself if WiFi has to be on all the time. Hackers tend to exploit connections that are always on. If you’re typing in Word or building spreadsheets in Excel, it may be a good idea to turn the WiFi off on any laptop rental in Santa Ana.
When using a public computer, feel free to ask about the firewall. Modern computers come with integrated firewall tech, but the laptop rental could have additional security measures. Knowing will give you greater confidence that you are not at risk. Also, be sure that firewalls are turned on.
A laptop rental doesn’t negate updating security yourself. Make sure you request that you receive a rental with all updates pre-installed. Security software should be updated regularly. When it comes to getting through firewalls, hackers work as fast as vendors. If you’re going to use a laptop rental or a public computer, scan regularly to make sure these devices aren’t infected.